Weather forecasts and apple cake update

Message for my American friends living in England. I know you don’t watch the tv. You do know we are due for hurricane force winds? Keep Juliet tucked inside and safe. Just checking.

Thank you for all your lovely apple cake comments. Rather than reply individually I’ve decided to post an update. Because the cake tasted nice (even though it looked like it had been dropped) I made another.

The weather forecast said that today would be the last of the nice weather here in England with a gale coming in tomorrow, properly hitting us on Monday. We decided, much to the amusement of our friends and family to hold a last chance Summer BBQ. It was warm enough (just) to sit outside until about 3.30 when it started to spit. Although the guests thought the idea was mad it was actually great, everyone really got into the spirit and made the most of the very last rays of sun. Then a sprinkle of rain came over. I’ve never seen tables, chairs, crockery, cutlery and food tidied up so quickly by all the guests. I think I’ll have to do this again, it usually takes me ages to straighten up. It only rained – and I use the term loosely – for about 2 minutes, but everyone was talking about the storm about to hit.


This time I decided, rather radically, to follow the apple cake recipe and use the correct tin. The result was a great success. This recipe is really worth trying, details in previous post.

It was clearly a success as it has gone! All the guests have left now too and I’m having a five minute relax before I’m off to a Halloween party. Time for a ‘witchy’ makeover now. See you all soon.

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6 Responses to Weather forecasts and apple cake update

  1. Terry says:

    Have fun at your party!!!

  2. Gales – really? Oh yuck.

  3. Lisa says:

    God bless, thank you! We had no idea, weren’t watching weather at all so now we can be prepared and take things in from the garden. Juliet has a little outside time today but she’ll be Daddy’s girl and stay inside tomorrow. Looks like it could be scary stuff!

    • e1aine says:

      I should qualify my warning. This is an English ‘might get a bit windy’ storm, not a Florida ‘hope my house doesn’t fall down’ hurricane. Al the same I think Juliet will like to stay tucked up with Daddy.

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